Cherry Angioma Treatment
![Kathleen F. Farrell, M.D. - - Internal Medicine Physician](
Laser Lisse
Kathleen F. Farrell, M.D.
Internal Medicine Physician & Internal Medicine located in Gaithersburg, MD
If you have weird red bumps or dots all over your skin, you may feel self-conscious. Dr. Kathleen Farrell and her expert team at Laser Lisse in Gaithersburg, Maryland, quickly and easily remove these red lesions, also known as cherry angiomas, with a high-tech GentlePro® Max laser. If you live in the Gaithersburg area and you want cherry angioma treatment, contact the Laser Lisse team by phone or use the online booking form.
Cherry Angioma Treatment Q & A
What are cherry angiomas?
Cherry angiomas are small, benign, vascular lesions that are as bright as a red cherry and most commonly appear on your trunk, face, or legs. Cherry angiomas get their red color from the blood vessels that compose them.
Cherry angiomas can range from the size of a pinhead all the way up to 1/4 inch in diameter. Some cherry angiomas are as flat, like freckles. Others are raised, like moles. Some cherry angiomas have a tendency to bleed.
What causes cherry angiomas?
Nobody knows what causes cherry angiomas, though some research suggests that genetics plays a role. Cherry angiomas are common and often appear spontaneously after the age of 30. Both men and women get cherry angiomas.
Are cherry angiomas contagious?
Cherry angiomas aren’t contagious and aren’t harmful in any way. You can’t pass them to another person, nor can you transfer them to other parts of your body. They don’t pose a health hazard unless they begin to change shape or size, in which case you should have Dr. Farrell evaluate them.
Do I have to remove cherry angiomas?
You don’t need to remove your cherry angiomas unless you’re bothered by their appearance or if they bleed. Because cherry angiomas are noncancerous, Dr. Farrell only recommends their removal for aesthetic reasons. In rare cases, she may suggest to biopsy a lesion to confirm the diagnosis.
What is the best cherry angioma treatment?
Dr. Farrell and her team use the GentleMax Pro Nd:YAG laser to remove cherry angiomas. The GentleMax laser energy targets the red pigment in the cherry angioma, collapsing the veins that form it.
The heat from the laser only focuses on the lesion. You may feel warmth during your procedure, but the skin around the cherry angioma isn’t affected by the laser.
Removing cherry angiomas with the GentleMax Pro takes only a few minutes. They turn dark by the end of your treatment, and eventually fade over the course of a few weeks to months.
If you’d like to remove your cherry angiomas once and for all, contact the experts at Laser Lisse. Call or use the online form to book a GentleMax Pro laser session.
*Individual results may vary.